Questions and Answers

Question - What is

Answer- is the world's largest petition platform. mission is to empower people everywhere to create the change they want to see. Their vision is a world in which no one is powerless and making change is a part of daily life.

Question- Why do the petition platform have an ".org "in its domain

Answer - was originally conceived of as a non-profit, but incporated as a B-Corp in order to scale and maximize impact. kept the name because it's how there are known and because their primary mission is to serve the public interest. For more information, visit:

Question - Is the online petition official?

Answer - Yes, under the act, this petition is official

Question - Why does the petition has the 2014 in its uniform resource locator "URL" address?

Answer- We started the petition in high hopes that our work with your support will help to induct "The British Bulldog" in the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame. Due to every one's hard work throughout 2013, we at TeamDBS decided to continue with the journey has we feel passion to success.

Question - Do I have to pay to sign the petition?

Answer - Definitely "No". The petition is "FREE" to sign and it only takes a second of your time.

Question- Why does the petition ask me to fill in my personal information?

Answer - We at TeamDBS and at keep your personal information private. It does not get display or published on the petition or anywhere else. The only information that will be published will be on the petition and that is your name and comments only.

Question - Is the petition a scam?

Answer- The petition is definitely "NOT" a scam and we at TeamDBS definitely understand the legal rights of this petition!

Question- Why does the petition ask for my finance?

Answer- This is called promoting a petition, and is an option that you have, if you would like to promote the petition. The petition to sign is 100% FREE.

Question- What happens if there is a fake/fraudulent name been added to the petition?

Answer- We at TeamDBS is very serious about the inauthentic signatures being added to our petition. We monitor the petition all the time. We do report the fraudulent signatures to and to any other authority immediately.

Question- What does TeamDBS mean?

Answer- TeamDBS is short version for "Team Davey Boy Smith".

Question- Do I get paid to help TeamDBS?

Answer- No, TeamDBS is built by international volunteers/wrestling fans.

Question- If I volunteer, do I need to still sign the petition?

Answer - We would be very grateful if you did sign the petition. However, it's every one's option.

Question - How do I join TeamDBS has a volunteer?

Answer- There is many ways to join us on Facebook just by clicking this Link

Question- Does TeamDBS ever meet up face to face?

Answer- Absolutely, We at TeamDBS are very close friends and a team. We also see each other has one big family and everyone is always welcome to join us.

Question- Has much we all adore Davey Boy Smith, why isn't the Dynamite Kid is included in the petition?

Answer- Very good question! When TeamDBS started the petition, we only could get permission from Davey family to create a petition for Davey. At the time, we didn't have any contact to the Dynamite Kid at the birth of the petition. We at TeamDBS like to go by the rules of getting permission from a family member or from the person. We agree that the Dynamite Kid should be induct in the WWE Hall of Fame and we hope our push for Davey will also give a positive push for the Dynamite Kid has part of The British Bulldogs.

Question- Can we contact a Hart/Smith family member through TeamDBS?

Answer- We do not directly pass messages on to the Hart/Smith family has we respect their private life's.

Question- Why don't I always get an update on the petition through my e-mails?

Answer- Due to the thousands of signatures on the petition, it is sometimes impossible to send out large number of messages at the same time.

Question- Even if I have signed the online petition, can I still sign the paper petition at a wrestling event?

Answer- Absolutely.

Question- How do I contact the admins of this petition for general information?

Answer- You can find us in our Facebook open group or contact the Facebook page by clicking this Link and by this website or by emailing us at [email protected] .

Question- I am a Journalist, how do I contact you for information?

Answer- All business/media contacts can be made through this website by emailing us at Bu[email protected] .

Question- When will the online petition be printer out?

Answer- The online petition will be printer out at the end of August. However, the petition will  continue has active petition until the WWE official makes the big announcement.

Question- Where will TeamDBS be sending the petitions?

Answer- The online and paper petitions will be sent to the World Wrestling Entertainment "Board of Directors" at the Corporate headquarters in Stamford.

For general information, please contact us at [email protected]