The British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith redefined the relationship of the British fans with the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) by his heroic exploits and total commitment to the sport and his country. It is therefore absolutely essential that his sterling contribution be recognized and he be inducted into the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame. "If you would like to sign The British Bulldog "WWE Hall of Fame" petition please click here

 Please Click this link HERE to sign the British Bulldog "WWE Hall of Fame" Petition


The effect  to create Team DBS/Team Davey Boy Smith in 2013 was by Michael Finney and Davey and Diana Hart Smith's daughter Georgia Smith. They along with a dedicated and die hard group of professional wrestling fans are steadfast in their commitment to the popular petition that asks for the Davey Boy Smith aka, the British Bulldog to be inducted into the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame.

Lending their full weight to this effort are British Wrestling Radio and Sunlight Radio, as also many other leading outfits. The idea is to ask more and more supporters and fans to support the petition by signing on. That can be done on the website at this Link. Alternatively one can join them on Facebook by clicking this link

It will be the considered effort of this group to give their all to help induct the very first British Hall of Famer even if that means carrying on the with the petition beyond year 2014. This is because some things are worth fighting for in life and nothing can be more deserving of this than the legacy left behind by the one and only, Davey Boy Smith. As Kevin Powers of WWE once wrote, "Davey Boy Smith is a certifiable legend in sports-entertainment. The fact is he should have been world champion."

There have been champion fighters from Britain before, but none has achieved the celebrity and almost cult status that Davey Boy Smith did. Except for the WWE Championship he won every major title organized by WWE. He was the ultimate star draw in all major pay per view events, and the fact that the Summer Slam 1992 remains a highly successful pay per view show only exemplifies the raw magnetism of the British Bulldog.

There is something about the pugnacious and dogged attitude of the British Bulldog as personified by people like Davey Boy Smith and Winston Churchill that tugs at the heartstrings of the British people and makes them proud of their heritage and everything that it stands for. This petition to honor this British great will surely receive wholehearted support of the people.

The petition has been recognize by some the most popular international sport entertainment superstars such has "WWE Superstar" Randy Orton, "Former TNA & OVW wrestlers! Starred in TNA's British Bootcamp" The Blossom Twins, "current WWE Superstar" Rob Van Dam, "Olympic boxing champion" Lennox Lewis, "1996 Olympic gold winner and former WWE Superstar" Kurt Angle. They are just the few names who has supported the petition. Also the campaign/petition/s has been mention on Wrestle-Talk TV by Georgia Smith has she discussed Davey and Owen Hart "Hall of Fame". You will able to find the interview by clicking this link

The paper petitions began in Herefordshire in Richmond place club "Iron fish" wrestling on October 26th 2013 by Michael Finney & Georgia Smith. Since that time, there has been many wrestling promotions from all over the United Kingdom that has promote the paper petitions at their live events.


Comments from the Petition -

 Davey Boy Smith was one of the best British talents in the wrestling ring in my view, and I feel it's a shame that he hasn't yet been inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. I honestly want to see him there. - Mark Wallman

We shouldn't even have to sign this the man should already be in there half the good wrestlers aren't even in the hof British bulldog davey boy smith deserves it plain and simple ! - Anthony Thompson 

I Think he deserves to be in the hall of fame since he have dedicated his Life to Wrestling. Like Mick Foley he put his body through painful bumps and falls just for the amusement of his fans! RESPECT! - Benjamin Persson 

DBS was an incredible performer and entertainer. I grew up LOVING him and his fellow Hart Foundation Members. Bret is already in the HOF which I am so glad happened years ago!! DBS is one of 3 I believe TRULY deserve to be inducted into the HOF. Other than DBS. I truly think Pillman and Owen Hart need to be inducted. I know with Owen there were issues with his widow and all that, but his fans all over the world continue to remember him to this day, just like DBS and Pillman are remembered. They ALL need to be inducted. Nothing would better than to see the acknowledgements of all 4 being inducted. They deserve it .... truly deserve it. So lets make this happen!! - Erin McCarthy 

British Bulldog was always one of my absolute favorites. I loved the British Bulldogs, his singles career after that and then being in The Hartfoundation. He was such an unforgettable and legendary character that I'd love to see him inducted twice. First for his career alone. Second as part of The Hart foundation as I hope that faction will be inducted someday as The Four Horsemen where. - Albert Maimone 


The UK fans signing the paper petitions



















